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Pet Care Basics Every Owner Should Know

Pet Care Basics Every Owner Should Know
  • PublishedSeptember 28, 2022

Pets are a big responsibility, and you should ensure they remain safe and healthy. While they are excellent companions, and their unconditional love makes up for the added responsibility, all pet parents must be aware of the basics of caring for their pets. Follow these necessary steps to become a responsible pet owner and fulfill all their needs.

A Nutritious Diet

Just like people, pets need food that meets their specific nutritional needs. Dog food and cat food are designed to meet specific nutritional needs. The dietary needs of each animal are very different. For instance, puppies require different food than senior dogs. Pets with health issues may require special diets. Table scraps are typically not suitable for dogs and cats because many of the foods we eat–salt, garlic, and onions–are bad for pets and can make them sick.

24/7 Drinking Water

Pets, like people, need access to clean water to stay healthy. Place a bowl of fresh water near the pet’s food dish, and remember to refill it at least twice a day. This will keep the pet cool, hydrated, and healthy. If the pet lives in water, like fish and turtles, make sure to clean their tank at least once per week. Forgetting to do so can cause sick pets and stinky tanks.

Regular Bathroom Breaks

Pets can be trained to go to the bathroom outside or in a designated area. Felines need at least one litter box for each cat, and dogs generally need to relieve themselves every few hours during the day. Senior dogs, like older people, also need to pee more often than younger ones. Dogs can be taught how to use doggy doors or potty pads or wait for walks before relieving themselves. However, no dog should be expected to hold it in for more than six hours.

Regular Exercise

Taking care of a pet also involves giving it the opportunity for exercise. Exercise keeps your pet’s mind and body healthy.  Pets also benefit from socialization. So, it’s a good idea to take your pooch to a park meant for pets.

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